Good Friday Charity Cycle ride and Family Picnic 2014


Minet Ladies Cycling Club will be holding a charity cycling event and family picnic on Good Friday- 18th Apri l 2014.

Riders of all ages are welcome to come along to Hillingdon Cycling Circuit 12-4pm to join in the fun and help raise money for the Acorn Youth Club- a small local charity which caters for young people with learning difficulties.

Sign-on will be £3 per adult and £1 per child.

Refreshments- including drinks and yummy cakes will be available to buy.

You can pledge how many laps of the 1 mile circuit (approx) you are aiming to achieve and prizes will be awarded for the most laps per age groups.

Come along- bring your bike and a picnic- and help raise money for the Acorn Youth Club!


Posted in Charity Events, Events, General

One Response to “Good Friday Charity Cycle ride and Family Picnic 2014”
  • Wendy Mears says:

    £3 per adult and £1 per child is extremely reasonable for an enjoyable day, it’s one way for mums and children to exercise in a fun way . I will start promoting this to my friends and family.

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